المحلیٰ بالآثار:کتاب اورصاحب ِکتاب کاتعارفی مطالعہ


An Introductory Study of the Book “Al-Muhalla” and its Author

Dr. Muhammad Talha Hussain[1]

[1]PhD Islamic Studies, University of Karachi, EST Punjab Education Department, Bahawalpur, Email: hussaintalha7@gmail.com


ImāmIbn-e-Ḥazm was one of the great scholars and geniuses produced by Muslim Ummah. His huge and diverse literary works make him a Polymath. He was a Faqīh (jurist), Muḥaddith (Ḥadīth scholar), Mufassir (exegete of Qurān), Theologian, Thinker, Psychologist, Poet, Historian, Philosopher, Politician and Debater. Ibn-e-Hazm’s most influential work in Arabic, selections of which have been translated into English, is now Al-Muhalla. It is reported to be a summary of a much longer work, known as Al-Mujalla. Its essential focus is on matters of jurisprudence or fiqh, but it also touches of matters of creed in its first chapter, Kitab al-Tawheed, whose focus is on creedal matters related to monotheism and the fundamental principles of approach to divine texts. One of the main points that emerges from the masterpiece of jurisprudential thought is that Ibn-e-Hazm rejects analogical reasoning (Qiyas) but prefers a far more direct and literal approach to the texts. The  objective of  this research  is  to introduce the  contributions of  Ibn-e-Ḥazm in jurisprudential or Fiqh because he attained a distinct dignity as one of the best jurists in Muslim history. In this regard, his efforts brought a lot of positive changes in society. The study concludes that the matchless work of Ibn-e-Hazm in Islamic jurisprudence deserves to be acknowledged with an open heart.

Keywords: Ibn-e-Hazm, Al-Muhalla, Jurisprudence, Fiqh.

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